Update AD users from CSV

Create a CSV file with relevant data i.e. sAMAccountName,postalCode,givenName,sn user.name,444444,user,name Then import and run piping results to a csv.  Adapt the CSV and Set-AdUser sections to do what job you need. $data = Import-CSV -Path .\data.csv $data | ForEach-Object { $user = Get-ADUser -Filter “sAMAccountName -like ‘*$($_.sAMAccountName)*’” -Properties st,postalCode Set-ADUser -identity $user.sAMAccountName -PostalCode $_.postalCode }… Read More »

Licensing Office 365 via script

Powershell script that can be adapted to license Office 365 with various service plans. Import-Module MSOnline  Connect-MsolService -Credential $Credentials $SessionParams = @{     ConfigurationName = “Microsoft.Exchange”     ConnectionUri = “https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/”     Credential = $Credentials     Authentication = “Basic”     AllowRedirection = $true}   $Session = New-PSSession @SessionParams Import-PSSession -Session $Session -DisableNameChecking:$true -AllowClobber:$true | Out-Null #Get… Read More »

Powershell script to delete inactive computer accounts.

A nice quick script to get machines that have not logged on to the network in over x days, move to another OU and disable.   $d = [DateTime]::Today.AddDays(-365) $todisable = Get-ADComputer -Filter ‘PasswordLastSet -le $d’ -Properties PasswordLastSet | Where-Object {$_.DistinguishedName -notlike “*OU=Disabled*”} $todisable | %{Move-ADObject -Identity $_.DistinguishedName -TargetPath “OU=Disabled,OU=Computers,DC=domain,DC=local” | FT Name,PasswordLastSet} $todisable |… Read More »

Outlook 2016 with exchange 2013 office 365 hybrid, requesting logon, ADFS

If you’ve migrated users to Office 365 (exchange online) and users get prompted for a password when opening outlook you more than likely need to enable Modern Authentication for Exchange Online (https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/32711.exchange-online-how-to-enable-your-tenant-for-modern-authentication.aspx) Open a Powershell prompt and connect to Exchange online by the following steps. $UserCredential = Get-Credential Enter user credentials for office 365 *@*.onmicrosoft.com… Read More »

MPG Calculator Windows Phone App

So I’ve started to learn some new skills and the result of this is an MPG Calculator for the Windows Phone.  Programmed in C#. Over the next few months I’m planning on developing this App further into a full car tracking/management service, just need to keep learning.

Website Commisions

Guitar Tutor Leeds A provider of guitar lessons in Leeds, commissioned this site to advertise his services and provide online guitar tuition to users on the internet. Plastech Windows Pocklington A double glazing installer in Pocklington commissioned this site to promote his business to online customers. Wolds Cleaning Wolds Cleaning are a commercial and house cleaning… Read More »

ReadyData Replicate failing with “zfs: Bad file number (2070)” 5200

Are you seeing this error on your replicates [2014-05-14 00:01:58] [INFO] Connect to destination[2014-05-14 00:01:58] [INFO] Connected[2014-05-14 00:01:58] [INFO] START block sent[2014-05-14 00:01:59] [INFO] START block received[2014-05-14 00:01:59] [ERROR] Target unable to resume[2014-05-14 00:01:59] [ERROR] Transfer failed[2014-05-14 00:01:59] [INFO] Sent total 83.08 KB[2014-05-14 00:01:59] [INFO] Average speed 41.54 KB/s[2014-05-14 00:02:20] [ERROR] zfs: Bad file number… Read More »